Recently, actually by accident, I figured out how to make ant tasks in a plug-in available to a WTP ant publisher. I stumbled upon the Eclipse ant extension point documentation, specifically, the part about Extra Ant Classpath Entries. Not sure how I missed this before, but it's basically all right there. There's also the org.eclipse.ant.core.antTasks extension point which allows you to expose ant tasks to your ant scripts in Eclipse. Since it wasn't immediately obvious to me at first, I thought I would post how I got it working. It's actually quite simple once you know what extension points to work with.
Here's what I added to the Pluto Server Plug-in plugin.xml to define the Pluto ant task
<extension point="org.eclipse.ant.core.antTasks">
<antTask name="pluto.assemble"
But of course this ant task has dependencies. To make it's dependencies available to it, you'll just need to add extraClasspathEntries
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/castor-1.1.1.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/cglib-full-2.0.2.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-digester-1.8.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-io-1.3.1.jar" eclipseRuntime="false" />
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-lang-1.0.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-logging-1.0.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/commons-logging-api-1.1.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/pluto-descriptor-api-1.1.6.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/pluto-descriptor-impl-1.1.6.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/pluto-util-1.1.6.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
<extraClasspathEntries library="lib/xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar" eclipseRuntime="false"/>
I'm not quite sure why, but the
attribute needs to be set to false to get this to work. The docs say
eclipseRuntime - indicates whether this extra classpath entry should only be considered for builds run in the same VM as Eclipse. The implied value is true, when not specified.
So I can only guess that this means that the WTP ant publisher doesn't run in the same VM as Eclipse? Anyhow, I tried it both ways, and it only worked with the value of false.
From my ant publisher script, nothing special, I just reference the
task (I gave it that name). Here's the snippet where I use it:<target name="assemble" if="portletxml.exists">
<pluto.assemble webxml="${module.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml"
destfile="${webxml.with.portlet.mapping.file}" />
Previously I had to define the task with a
tag, but I no longer need that.