Sunday, March 17, 2013

Using Codea and Khan Academy to teach computer programming to my daughter

I've been teaching computer programming to my oldest daughter (who is turning 11 soon) for the past couple of years or so. We started out with Scratch and she had a blast with that. After completing a simple game that she designed and developed herself, I asked her what she wanted to do next. She said, "I want to do what you do". She knew from watching me work that the visual programming environment in Scratch is not how "real" programmers work.

So our next step was to give Python programming a try. We got the book Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python and started working through it. Unfortunately, jumping into Python from Scratch was probably a little too tough and the fact that the programs she was creating in Python were completely textual meant that it was less engaging. So I started thinking about what we could do next.

Getting nostalgic for my Atari 800XL

I thought about what computing meant for me when I was her age. Growing up I had an Atari 800XL. What a marvelously simple device compared to what we have available to us today. There were two things that made the Atari 800XL a great first computer for a kid:

  1. No internet.
  2. Simple programming environments (BASIC and Turtle graphics).

That first one is a big deal. We don't let our children use computers unattended because of the inherent dangers of the world wide web. I'm sure my parents never had any such concerns because my Atari 800XL was never networked at all. Because of that I spent a lot of time just playing around on my computer. I remember hours upon hours spent meticulously typing in computer programs from magazines such as Compute! into my 800XL.

The second one, simple programming environments, is important too, but there are plenty of those to be had. Turtle graphics was particularly good because I could get the gratification of generating a visual effect of some sort. Probably the most advanced turtle graphics program I wrote (which wasn't very advanced, but I was proud of it at the time) was one where I animated a simple line drawing of a bird flapping its wings. I could control the bird's position on the screen by using a joystick. That was a lot of fun.

So this got me to thinking. Could I set up a computing environment for my daughter that would be easy for us to monitor, allow her to just waste time playing around with different ideas and approaches, and allow her to create graphical programs?

Enter Codea

I thought, what if she could have a turtle graphics like program on our iPad? She (like everyone in the family) just adores our iPad. If she could create graphical programs on the iPad, especially if they could respond to touch and what not, I thought she would get a big kick out of that.

The iPad still suffers from the problem of having unfettered access to the internet, but an app that serves as a self-contained environment would minimize the chance that she would ever even end up in Safari. Also, it's not too hard to keep an eye on her using the iPad while in the same room with her.

While Codea is a great programming environment, it's not the the best learning environment. I tried coming up with my own lessons, and I also found some Codea tutorials online, but nothing was really clicking. She did spend some time just exploring and playing with Codea, but that only goes so far.

And then we found Khan Academy

Khan Academy has video lessons and an integrated code editor. Like Codea, it offers a Processing like API. There are a few nice things about Khan Academy.

First, they have a series of tutorials that my daughter is able to watch and progress through at her own pace. The tutorials are in sync with actions in the code editor, so she can pause the tutorial and experiment with the code at any point. Also nice, the video tutorials are narrated by a woman. It might seem like a minor thing but I've noticed that my daughter has picked up on the fact that the computer programmer profession is male-dominated, so any reinforcements that, yes, girls program too, is always nice.

Second, the code editor and the graphical display are side by side. You can see the effect of your code changes as you type them. Codea requires you flip between code editing and running your code.

Third, Khan Academy has gamification! You can earn achievements and badges. You can create a "spin-off" of one of the example programs, make it cooler, and then other Khan Academy users can vote on them. Turns out this is very cool for an 11 year old!

So far, Khan Academy seems to be the most perfect environment to learn computer programming that we've found yet.

Since Khan Academy and Codea both use the Processing API, we've experimented with moving code between the two environments. There are some slight syntactic differences between JavaScript (Khan Academy) and Lua (Codea) of course. Codea also has the vertical axis flipped compared to Khan Academy. Khan Academy names some things differently and has some different API methods like:

  • strokeWeight instead of strokeWidth
  • point(x ,y)
  • triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Here's an example of how I translated the Intro to Animation lesson into Codea (point and triangle aren't used below, but they are used in some Khan Academy programs so I'm including them here just for illustrative purposes):

-- KA-Intro to Animation

-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et ai filetype=lua:

function setup()
    print("Hello World!")

function strokeWeight(weight)

function point(x, y)
    line(x, y, x, y)

function triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    myMesh = mesh()
    myMesh.vertices = {vec2(x1,y1),vec2(x2,y2),vec2(x3,y3)}

function initKhan()
    -- Khan Academy setup
    -- set a default stroke "weight" (codea calls this width) and color
    stroke(0, 0, 0, 255)

    -- translate and scale into Khan Academy coordinate system
    translate(0, 400)
    scale(1, -1)

function draw()

    -- this is the draw loop! everything inside this
    -- function will be run over and over again.
    background(252, 255, 214)

    -- position of the car
    x = 10

    -- draw the car body
    fill(255, 0, 115)
    rect(x, 200, 100, 20)
    rect(x + 15, 178, 70, 40)

    -- draw the wheels
    fill(77, 66, 66)
    ellipse(x + 25, 221, 24, 24)
    ellipse(x + 75, 221, 24, 24)


So that's where we are so far. I'm hoping we can work toward a project this year, like making a mobile app game or something.

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