Monday, February 17, 2014

Scala: What's the difference between Traversable and Iterable?

I'm currently working through the book Programming in Scala, 2nd ed.. I'm in chapter 24 and reading about the Traversable and Iterable traits and the difference between them.

Traversable is a trait with one abstract method, foreach. It's signature is

def foreach[U](f: Elem => U)

Defining this one method for a Traversable allows your collection class to gain several useful methods like

  • map
  • flatMap
  • take
  • drop
  • filter
  • foldLeft, foldRight
  • etc.

Iterable is a trait that extends Traversable and also has one abstract method, iterator. It's signature is

def iterator: Iterator[A]

Iterable defines foreach in terms of this iterator method:

def foreach[U](f: Elem => U): Unit = {
    val it = iterator
    while (it.hasNext) f(

If we can implement foreach in terms of iterator, why have Traversable as a separate trait?

The book provides one reason: that for some collections, implementing iterator may not be easy or may not be efficient. To illustrate this the book uses a Tree data structure as an example.

The Tree data structure is defined as a case class hierarchy:

sealed abstract class Tree
case class Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case class Node(elem: Int) extends Tree

I'm a Scala newbie so I couldn't get their Traversable Tree code example to work. Instead I came up with this:

sealed abstract class Tree extends Traversable[Int]
case class Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
  def foreach[U](f: Int => U) = left foreach f; right foreach f
case class Node(elem: Int) extends Tree {
  def foreach[U](f: Int => U) = f(elem)

For the Iterable version I came up with this:

sealed abstract class Tree extends Iterable[Int]
case class Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
  def iterator: Iterator[Int] = left.iterator ++ right.iterator
case class Node(elem: Int) extends Tree {
  def iterator: Iterator[Int] = Iterator.single(elem)

Both fairly straightforward. The problem with the Iterable version is with the efficiency of visiting nodes in the tree. In particular, the implementation of ++ is such that it has to do an extra indirection at every call to next to determine whether to pull from the left or the right iterator.

I think it helps to see what a naive implementation of ++ would look like:

def ++[A](left:Iterator[A], right:Iterator[A]):Iterator[A] =
    return new Iterator[A] {

        def hasNext: Boolean = left.hasNext || right.hasNext

        def next: A =
            if (left.hasNext)

Every call to next has to first check left.hasNext before returning a value. In a balanced binary tree with N leaf nodes, the depth of the tree is approximately log(N). So to reach a leaf via this added iterator would require an extra log(N) calls to left.hasNext. Therefore, visiting all of the leaf nodes using the iterator would take O(N*log(N)).

But, that's with the naive implementation of ++. The actual implementation, shown below, optimizes by keeping a reference, cur, to the current Iterator. This allows it to avoid needing to check hasNext on the first Iterator on each call to next.

def ++[B >: A](that: => GenTraversableOnce[B]): Iterator[B] = new AbstractIterator[B] {
    // optimize a little bit to prevent n log n behavior.
    private var cur : Iterator[B] = self
    private var selfExhausted : Boolean = false
    // since that is by-name, make sure it's only referenced once -
    // if "val it = that" is inside the block, then hasNext on an empty
    // iterator will continually reevaluate it. (ticket #3269)
    lazy val it = that.toIterator
    // the eq check is to avoid an infinite loop on "x ++ x"
    def hasNext = cur.hasNext || (!selfExhausted && {
        it.hasNext && {
            cur = it
            selfExhausted = true
    def next() = { hasNext; }

So, to a certain degree, this example with the Tree is a little artificial. It's just as easy to implement Tree as an Iterable as it is to implement it as a Traversable and there is no fundamental reason why the performance of visiting all of the leaf nodes needs to be worse than a Traversable implementation.

I think it is reasonable to assume that there might be data structures where implementing an Iterator over their elements could be challenging (either fundamentally so or with regards to efficiency). I just wish I could think of a more compelling example.

Further resources:

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