Sunday, March 09, 2014

Scala: Understanding the self type annotation and how it relates to the Cake Pattern

I'm currently working through the book Programming in Scala, 2nd ed.. I'm in chapter 29 which is on Modular Programming Using Objects. What is covered in the chapter has also been referred to as the Cake Pattern. The chapter takes the approach of building up to the Cake Pattern through an example that helps illustrate the kind of problems that the Cake Pattern solves. To understand the Cake Pattern you have to understand how the self type annotation works. So I'm going to take a slightly different approach and start with how the self type annotation works since it is so crucial.

What is the self type annotation?

In brief, the self type annotation allows you to split a trait in two but still refer to things on the second trait as though they are defined in the first trait, basically assuming (well, requiring) that they are mixed in together. For example, the following trait simply prints a greeting at a prompt:

trait Prompter1 {

    val prompt = "> "
    val greeting = "Hello world"

    def printGreeting() {
        println(prompt + greeting)

val prompter1 = new Object with Prompter1

Now suppose you want to split out the greeting part, maybe so that you can provide greetings for different languages. You could do this:

trait Prompter2 {
    // the self type annotation
    this: GreetingProvider =>

    val prompt = "> "

    def printGreeting() {
        println(prompt + greeting)
        // Next line would work too. 'this' can refer to things within this trait or
        // the declared self type trait
        //println(this.prompt + this.greeting)

trait GreetingProvider {

    val greeting = "Hello world"

val prompter2 = new Prompter2 with GreetingProvider

The code in Prompter2 is exactly the same as in Prompter1 except that there is now a self type annotation which says that this can also refer to GreetingProvider. Also the greeting has moved to a separate trait, GreetingProvider.

Do you need the self type annotation if you take care to always mix in the two traits together? No, because Prompter2 won't even compile and you get this error:

<console>:37: error: not found: value greeting
                println(prompt + greeting)

What happens if you tried to create a new Object and only mixed in Prompter2?

scala> new Object with Prompter2
new Object with Prompter2
<console>:19: error: illegal inheritance;
self-type Prompter2 does not conform to Prompter2's selftype Prompter2 with GreetingProvider
            new Object with Prompter2

Does order matter? It doesn't appear to. The following works just fine:

val prompter2backwards = new GreetingProvider with Prompter2

If you have a self type annotation, does this only refer to that type? Apparently not. We could just as well have defined Prompter2.printGreeting like so:

def printGreeting() {
    // 'this' can refer to things within this trait or the declared self type trait
    println(this.prompt + this.greeting)

So the self type annotation appears to extend what this can refer to.

You can also have multiple traits mixed in for your self type annotation:

this: Foo with Bar with Baz =>

So what does this have to do with the Cake Pattern? We'll get there but for now hopefully you can see that the self type annotation allows you to express a dependency within a trait, a dependency that when satisfied allows one trait to make use of code defined in a separate trait. The Cake Pattern is a Dependency Injection technique that uses self type annotations to express and ultimately fulfill the dependencies between traits.

Applying the Cake Pattern to the examples in chapter 29

Chapter 29 doesn't mention the Cake Pattern and doesn't really apply it. It goes as far as introducing the self type annotation and showing how you can use to refactor a large trait and split it up into several smaller traits.

The chapter presents a Database class that abstracts getting Food and Recipe instances from some sort of backing store. The Database is then split up into three traits: one for FoodCategory methods, one for Food methods and one for Recipe methods. It's not all spelled out in the chapter but you would end up with something that looks like the following:

abstract class Food(val name: String) {
    override def toString = name

object Apple extends Food("Apple")
object Orange extends Food("Orange")
object Cream extends Food("Cream")
object Sugar extends Food("Sugar")

class Recipe(
    val name: String,
    val ingredients: List[Food],
    val instructions: String
) {
    override def toString = name

trait FoodCategories {
    case class FoodCategory(name: String, foods: List[Food])
    def allCategories: List[FoodCategory]

trait Foods {
    def allFoods: List[Food]
    def foodNamed(name: String) =
        allFoods.find(f => == name)

trait Recipes {
    def allRecipes: List[Recipe]

abstract class Database extends FoodCategories with Foods with Recipes {

The book then proceeds to implement Foods and Recipes like so:

trait SimpleFoods extends Foods {
    object Pear extends Food("Pear")
    def allFoods = List(Apple, Pear)
    def allCategories = Nil

trait SimpleRecipes extends Recipes { // Does not compile
    object FruitSalad extends Recipe(
        "fruit salad",
        List(Apple, Pear),  // Uh oh
        "Mix it all together."
    def allRecipes = List(FruitSalad)

The problem is that SimpleRecipes has a dependency on SimpleFoods. As such Pear is no longer in scope. Self type annotation to the rescue!

trait SimpleRecipes extends Recipes {
    this: SimpleFoods =>

    object FruitSalad extends Recipe(
        "fruit salad",
        List(Apple, Pear),
        "Mix it all together."
    def allRecipes = List(FruitSalad)

This all works well enough for such a short example, but in the real world, when you have a database abstraction that has hundreds (or thousands?) of methods for retrieving objects from the database, would this suffice? Because the problem becomes that you will end up mixing all of those methods into the local namespace of your Database class. For example, instead of having a Foods.getAll method even this simple example compels us to having the method called Foods.allFoods.

This is where the Cake Pattern comes in. With the Cake Pattern you wrap your trait in a "component" trait. For example, the FoodCategories trait gets wrapped like so:

trait FoodCategoriesComponent {
    val foodCategories: FoodCategories
    trait FoodCategories {
        case class FoodCategory(name: String, foods: List[Food])
        def allCategories: List[FoodCategory]

Likewise for Foods and Recipes:

trait FoodsComponent {
    val foods: Foods
    trait Foods {
        def allFoods: List[Food]
        def foodNamed(name: String) =
        allFoods.find(f => == name)

trait RecipesComponent {
    val recipes: Recipes
    trait Recipes {
        def allRecipes: List[Recipe]

Now I'll create a SimpleFoodsComponent that implements Foods and FoodCategories (the book implements them together too):

// Implement Foods and FoodCategories at once
trait SimpleFoodsComponent extends FoodsComponent with FoodCategoriesComponent {

    val foods = new Object with SimpleFoods
    val foodCategories = foods
    trait SimpleFoods extends Foods with FoodCategories {
        object Pear extends Food("Pear")
        def allFoods = List(Apple, Pear)
        def allCategories = Nil

And now time for the SimpleRecipesComponent. This one will depend on SimpleFoodsComponent:

trait SimpleRecipesComponent extends RecipesComponent {
    this: SimpleFoodsComponent =>

    val recipes = new Object with SimpleRecipes
    trait SimpleRecipes extends Recipes {
        object FruitSalad extends Recipe(
            "fruit salad",
            List(Apple, foods.Pear),
            "Mix it all together."
        def allRecipes = List(FruitSalad)

But this time the self type annotation brings foods into scope. So instead of bringing the Foods methods into scope we're just bringing the foods reference (which implements Foods) into scope. I like this since it keeps type members in separate namespaces.

Does it make sense to have a Database abstraction any longer? I'm not sure, but, for completeness, here's how I implemented it.

trait DatabaseComponent extends FoodCategoriesComponent
        with FoodsComponent with RecipesComponent {
    val database: Database

    trait Database extends FoodCategories with Foods with Recipes

trait SimpleDatabaseComponent extends DatabaseComponent
        with SimpleFoodsComponent with SimpleRecipesComponent {

    val database = new Database with SimpleFoods with SimpleRecipes

I haven't yet talked about the other main piece of the chapter's example, the Browser. As a component it would be defined like so:

trait BrowserComponent {
    this: DatabaseComponent =>

    val browser: Browser

    trait Browser {
        def recipesUsing(food: Food)
        def displayCategory(category: database.FoodCategory)

And then it could be implemented with a dependency on the SimpleDatabaseComponent:

trait SimpleBrowserComponent extends BrowserComponent {
    this: SimpleDatabaseComponent =>

    val browser = new Object with SimpleBrowser
    trait SimpleBrowser extends Browser {

        def recipesUsing(food: Food) =
            database.allRecipes.filter(recipe =>

        def displayCategory(category: database.FoodCategory) {

If the Browser is the top level component then you could define it more simply, kind of like how the book does it.

For more information:


Jodi said...

I like your approach to the explanation of the Cake pattern and the self type annotation. Most of the blog posts / tutorials on this are way to obscure or complicated. Great job!

laiboonh said...

Order matters

trait Bar {
this: Baz =>
def greet = println(greeting)

trait Baz {
this: Qux =>
val greeting = "hello " + to

trait Qux {
val to = "world"

object TryOutFoo extends App {
object Foo extends Qux with Baz with Bar
Foo.greet// hello world

object Foo1 extends Bar with Baz with Qux
Foo1.greet //hello null